Junior Ski Trip | News | Pipers Corner School

Junior Ski Trip

Junior Ski Trip
Whole School Pre-Prep and Prep

At the beginning of the Spring Term 40 Year 6 and 7 girls embarked on a ski trip to Salzburger Sportwelt in Austria. The snowy conditions were fabulous and the girls benefited from beautiful wide slopes and the knowledge and experience of a team of superb instructors.

Each day, in their respective groups, the girls made great progress, mastering technique and taking on the challenge of pushing themselves to improve their skiing skills.

As well as enjoying the opportunity to spend time on the slopes, the group also had the chance to visit the beautiful city of Salzburg and saw some of the sights from “The Sound of Music” – singing a few songs from the film as they did so! In addition they were able to go bowling at a traditional Austrian bowling alley (a cross between skittles and bowling) and enjoyed a karaoke evening. The week ended with some ski races and a presentation evening.

Deputy Head of Prep, Miss Eagles, said “It was particularly lovely to see the girls grow in confidence and independence throughout the week. Many of them showed real resilience and perseverance, overcoming their fears as they took on more and more challenging slopes.”

You can view a selection of photos from the trip below.


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