Pre-Prep perform The Bethlehem Star | News | Pipers Corner School

Pre-Prep perform The Bethlehem Star

Pre-Prep perform The Bethlehem Star
Pre-Prep Events

Children in Pre-Prep performed their Nativity play to a limited, socially-distanced audience in the Arts Centre Theatre this week. 

This year, children in Reception to Year 2 took to the stage to perform 'The Bethlehem Star'.

"The Bethlehem Star is not selling enough papers and is desperate for a scoop! The editor encourages his reporters to get out and find a story worth telling – not something about sandstorms, figs or some slippery oil thieves. 

They interview Shepherdesses, Kings, Soldiers and a young couple with their donkey...But will any of their stories be newsworthy, and will they become the most popular newspaper once again?"

All of the children, dressed in amazing costumes, produced another exceptional play, having spent many weeks rehearsing. 

Pre-Prep Nativity 2020

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Pre-Prep perform The Bethlehem Star