Happy hens | News | Pipers Corner School

Happy hens

Happy hens

At the start of this academic year, in addition to welcoming all our new girls, there have also been two more very special additions to the Pipers Community. Our new chickens, Penny and Shadow, as they have now been named by the girls in Pre-Prep have joined Snow White and Sparkle in our chicken enclosure.

Penny and Shadow are settling in nicely as they get used to their new surroundings. Based in a secluded corner of the Pre-Prep garden it is the responsibility of the girls to help look after the hens by feeding them, cleaning out the enclosure and collecting the eggs. Raising chickens is a wonderful way to teach children about where food comes from, as well as encouraging responsibility and nurturing skills.

We look forward to watching both the girls’ and the chickens’ progress over the course of the academic year. 

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Happy hens