ISI | Focused Compliance and Educational Quality Inspection | Pipers Corner School

ISI | Focused Compliance and Educational Quality Inspection

Pipers Corner School | Excellent in All Areas

Educational Quality Inspection
We are extremely proud to be able to advise you that we have been awarded the highest possible grade of 'Excellent' both for pupils’ academic and other achievements and for their personal development. The School was subject to an Education Quality Inspection carried out by the Independent Schools Inspectorate in March 2023.







The Key Finding from the Inspection are:

The quality of the pupils’ academic and other achievements is excellent.

  • Pupils are eloquent communicators and attentive, respectful listeners. They are confident and articulate speakers, skilful at expressing their views and opinions
  • Pupils have outstanding attitudes to learning; they are naturally inquisitive and curious with a strong desire to learn
  • Pupils make excellent progress from their starting points
  • Pupils have strong study skills, demonstrating excellent abilities to hypothesise, synthesise and analyse
  • Pupils’ aesthetic and creative skills are excellent

The quality of the pupils’ personal development is excellent.

  • Pupils of all ages demonstrate high levels of self-confidence, self-discipline, and resilience
  • Pupils have an excellent awareness of how to stay safe and keep healthy
  • Pupils make outstanding contributions to their own community
  • Pupils have a high level of moral understanding, demonstrating a keen sense of right and wrong

We are absolutely delighted with the outcome of this report and the comments within it as it reflects the values and dedication which lie at the very heart of our community and which are shared by students, staff, Governors and parents alike.  As always, our students proved themselves to be exceptional ambassadors for the school during the inspection: confident and forthright in their views and engaged and independent in their learning.

The full report, available below, captures the vibrancy and variety of a Pipers’ education over the 14 different year groups in the School.

ISI Focused Compliance and Educational Quality Inspection | March 2023

ISI | Regulatory Compliance Inspection Report | 2019

ISI | Integrated Inspection Report | 2015

ISI Inspection Report | 2010