A Level And Leaver Destinations | Pipers Corner School

A Level And Leaver Destinations

A Level Results 2024

We were delighted this morning to share the excitement of our Year 13 students and their families as they celebrated outstanding success in their A Level examinations. Their commitment both to their academic studies but also to developing the skills beyond A Level courses (and which will have as much of an impact on their futures as their grades) have resulted in remarkable achievements both in and out of the classroom for this year group.

This year the 100% pass rate saw over a third of results achieving the highest A*-A grades, with three quarters at A*-B and over 20% of the year group achieving straight A* or A in all of their subjects. Over half of all students achieved at least one top grade out of their three or four A Level courses and 85% students will be heading off to their first-choice universities this autumn.

Headmistress Helen Ness-Gifford said: “It has been fantastic to see these students complete their educational journey at Pipers with such confidence and success, a journey which for some of them started at Pipers at the age of three. But whether they have been students here for a decade and a half or for just two years - they have all brought something unique to our school community and we will miss them, though we could not be prouder of them all today.”

Across the 23 subjects taken - no student achieved lower than A*-B in French, German, History, Music, Physical Education, Sociology and Spanish.

The achievements of this year group are all the more remarkable for the fact that they spent one term in Year 9 and another in Year 10 learning remotely from home with their teachers delivering the full curriculum on Zoom - and yet their commitment to being involved in School Life, in leadership, enterprise, the creative arts, sport and drama as well as their clear determination  to achieve academic success never faltered on their return.

Amongst an extensive list of individual achievements, we are thrilled to report that Zoe P achieved A*, A* and A* in Politics, Mathematics and Geography A Levels. She was a member of the School’s Debating Team and was awarded a Distinction in the John Lock Institute Global Essay competition at the University of Oxford.

Deputy Head Girl, Evie C secured her place at Durham University to study Marketing and Management. She also secured a Vice-Chancellor’s Scholarship with her place. Evie has spent the summer completing a National Youth Theatre Stage Management course.

Nia F - A Year 13 student, who is registered Blind, secured her place at the Royal National College for the Blind for next year. This is a celebration of her dedication and hardwork in the Sixth Form, which saw her win the Outstanding Achievement Award for the National Citizen's Service (a flagship government initiative aimed at 16-17 year olds). She plans to study Psychology at University the following September.

Anastasiya K, one of our Sixth Form students, who joined the School from the Ukraine, has secured her place to study Graphic and Media Design next year. This year, she also reached the Young Artists Awards finals of the Buckinghamshire Arts Society.

Maddie R, one of our Deputy Head Girls (who is also part of the GB Triathlon elite pathway), achieved three As and had her dedication rewarded by securing a Performance Sports scholarship to Birmingham University.

Leaver Destinations

Academically successful, Pipers students progress to further study at top Universities or specialist dance, drama and music colleges. Below is a list of the destinations of our leavers, including the courses they chose to study.


London South Bank UniversityLoughborough UniversityUniversity of Birmingham
University of BathUniversity of NottinghamUniversity of Exeter
University of BournemouthNottingham Trent UniversityUniversity of Newcastle
University of DundeeUniversity of LiverpoolUniversity of Manchester
Manchester Metropolitan UniversityKings College LondonAberystwyth University
University of BristolArts University BournemouthUniversity of Southampton
Falmouth UniversityCardiff Metropolitan UniversityRoyal Holloway, University of London
Oxford Brookes UniversityBath Spa UniversityUniversity of Chicester
University of York
Chartered Business Management with Consumer Insight and Research Company KantarPsychologyActing
History of ArtAccounting and FinanceExercise and Sport Sciences
Marketing Communications with Digital MediaComputingSociology
Speech and Language TherapyBiomedical SciencesBusiness Management and Entrepreneurship
Criminology and SociologyHuman BiosciencesNutritional Sciences
ZoologyTextilesPhilosophy and English
Biomedical SciencesPhilosophy and GermanMedicine and Surgery
Sport and Exercise ScienceMidwiferyCeramics
DramaMathematicsDesign for Stage and Screen
Musical Theatre PerformanceMusicGraphic Design Communication
Art FoundationPolitics and International RelationsEconomics with Business


Historic A Level Results

GCSE and A Level Results | 2023

GCSE and A Level Results | 2022

GCSE and A Level Results | 2021

GCSE and A Level Results | 2020