GCSE Results | Pipers Corner School

GCSE Results


As results return fully to the marking standards of the pre-Covid years - we are delighted to congratulate our Year 11 students whose achievements this summer have considerably outshone pre-Covid GCSE results in 2019 and, remarkably, also those of 2023.

Over half of all GCSEs achieved the highest 9-7 (A** to A) grades with almost 20% of results achieving the elusive Grade 9s.  In subjects such as English, almost three-quarters of students in the Year group achieved a Grade 9-7, including those from the lowest sets - with 87% of students in Geography, 85% in Art and Design and 79% in History also achieving these top grades.

With a 97.6% pass rate across the 24 subjects on offer it is clear that these students have navigated Key Stages 3 and 4 successfully.  

Headmistress Helen Ness-Gifford said, “The students in this year group were remarkably calm and focused in their approach to these examinations, and in honing the skills necessary for success across such a diverse range of subjects such as Dance, Food and Nutrition, Drama, Physical Education, Textiles, and Design Technology - whilst also each having to consolidate their skills in the Core English, Maths, Sciences and Languages.  That they have achieved these grades, and have, I think, more importantly enjoyed discovering the specific skills and passions which they will take forward to the next level of their studies is wonderful to have witnessed and to see hard-working students achieve more than they had ever thought possible.”

We are looking forward to seeing what these determined and talented students can discover  and achieve in both their A Level studies and as leaders and role models at the top of the School.

Public Examination Results and University Destinations 2024

GCSE Results 2023