Sixth Form School Day | Pipers Corner School

Sixth Form School Day

A typical structured school day, consisting of eight 40 minute lessons - many of which are double periods in order to maximise time spent on A Level subject learning.

Students in Years 11, 12 and 13 are afforded the privilege of lunching in the Arts Centre Café from 1305 hours, whilst also utilising time out of the classroom to participate in lunchtime extracurricular activities. Students in the Sixth Form, who have passed their driving test, with their parents and the School’s permission are permitted to travel to and from school in their own cars.

Wraparound Learning

In order to support the daily demands of our busy working parents, we offer wraparound care before and after school. Between 0730 hours and 0815 hours, Breakfast Club is available to all students from Reception through to Year 13. After School Club is available to all students between 1600 hours and 1800 hours.


Girls in all years are welcome to make use of our Breakfast Club on a regular or occasional basis, and can be dropped off at the Arts Centre Café from 07:30 hours. A wide variety of warm and cold breakfast options are available to students at a heavily subsidised rate. Students can then access all areas of the School from 08:15 hours.

After School

Whilst all formal curriculum based learning finished at 1600 hours, we continue to provide out of hours to support our busy working parents. Extra-Curricular clubs take place after school, and even after these allotted clubs have finished, students can then join After-School Prep in the Senior School Library, for independent study or self-reflection until the end of the day at 1800 hours. There is no charge for this facility. Sixth Form students have approximately 10 or 12 study periods each week to engage in independent learning to try and reach the breadth of the curriculum.

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