Parents | Pipers Corner School


Pipers is incredibly fortunate to be supported by a community of parents, guardians, grandparents and wider family who provide a voice to bring together those who care so passionately about education provided by the School.

Appreciating community is one of our core values and whilst we celebrate individuality, we know that as a school, we achieve more when we are united

There is a large programme of school events that allow parents to contribute to and participate in. We have a  number of one-off annual events such as;

  • Macmillan Coffee Morning (Autumn Term)
  • Christmas Fair (Autumn Term)
  • Sports Day (Summer Term)
  • Summer Ball (Summer Term)
  • Speech Day (Summer Term) 

Each years, in consultation with the Parent body, the School runs a programme of regular events known as the 'Parent Partnership Talks' where the School uses its wealth of professional contacts to invite guest speakers into to discuss topical matters with our current parents. Please see below the programme of events for the 2024-2025 Academic Year.

The strong parents community also tirelessly supports the Careers programme we offer to students in Years 7 and up. Evidence shows that students benefit greatly from the experience and insight parents can provide. The Careers department run a number of events each year, and the School appeals to parents and family members as it affords students the chance to speak with respected figures in a wide-range of industries.

All of these events rely on a collaborative relationship between the School, it's staff and the parent body and all parties work harmoniously to ensure that there is transparency at all points throughout the year.

Parents are actively encouraged to engage in dialogue with the School at all points throughout the year, with Form Tutor and Heads of Year the first point of contact. The Headmistress senior School leaders hosts a termly parent forum which provides all parents with the platform to talk about matters of interest, which may impact positively or negatively on the parents or student body. 

Each year group has a designated representative(s) who supports the parent community, school staff and students in bringing a sense of collective responsibility for activities, events and celebrations.

We are not always able to welcome parents on site, as our focus remains the student community, but we provide countless platforms for parents to engage with their childrens’ education, both inside and outside the classroom. Daily social media postings from all parts of the School, Weekly e-newsletters, the termly Pipers Post, and the annual edition of the incredible student-led school magazine, Aquila bridge the gap between the students educational experience and the inquisitive nature of the wider family community.

The Arts Centre Theatre is at the heart of Pipers, and the full and varied programme of production, performances and talks is available to students, parents and staff. We publish the termly Performing Arts brochure that provides families with an overview of forthcoming events.

Aquila | Student-led School Magazine

Pipers Post | Termly Newsletter

Performing Arts Brochure

If you would like to learn more about the parent body, please contact the Director of Marketing and Admissions, Mr Guy Ranford via 01494 719866 or