Entry to Pipers | Pipers Corner School

Entry to Pipers


We are delighted that you are considering Pipers for your daughter.

Whether you are considering a place in our Pre-Prep, Prep, Senior School or Sixth Form, our highly experienced Admissions team are here to help and advise at every stage.

Entry to Pipers is subject to demonstrating a good-average ability level at assessment, a positive interview and a satisfactory reference from the current school. Offers are always made in order of registration date and you can complete our new digital registration form by clicking the button below:

Click this button to access our Registration Form.

Submitted Registration Forms will be processed as soon as we receive the registration fee payment and you will then be sent a formal confirmation by email within a week of receipt.


Girls are admitted to Pipers Corner School from age 4–18 years, usually at the beginning of the school terms. In exceptional circumstances girls may be admitted at other points during the year. There are entry points in the Pre-Prep, Prep, Senior and Sixth Form.


Our main intake for Pre-Prep is in Reception. Our intake is only small and, as we are usually oversubscribed, early registration is advisable to secure the best possible chance of a place.

Students registered for entry to Reception are invited in for an individual Familiarisation Morning, in order of registration date. These typically take place during the Spring Term. This involves the student spending time in lessons with the Reception class and during their time with us and Pre-Prep staff will informally assess their level of literacy and numeracy and observe their social skills. Offers are made to those who meet our 'good average or above' ability criteria and are subject to receipt of a satisfactory reference from any current nursery/school.

Year 1 and Year 2

Each September, there are a small number of places available in Year 1 and Year 2 and we invite students in for a familiarisation day visit in order of registration date. Offers are made to those who meet our 'good average or above' ability criteria and are subject to receipt of a satisfactory reference from the student's current school.

Register your daughter 

Year 3, Year 4 and Year 5

Each September, we have a small number of places available for entry to these year groups. Students registered for entry for these year groups are invited to spend the day at Pipers, in order of registration date. During their day visit, students are interviewed by the Head of Pre-Prep and Prep, complete assessments in Maths and English (no preparation required) and join their peers in lessons and at break and lunch, where staff assess general levels of literacy, numeracy and social skills.

Offers are made to those who demonstrate a good average or above ability level, have a positive interview and visit and receive a satisfactory reference from their current school. 

Year 6

Each September, we welcome approximately 20 new students into our Year 6, joining the 20 or so we have in Year 5. This creates two classes in Year 6.

We hold a Year 6 Assessment Days in the Autumn and Spring Terms (of the year preceding entry). During this day, students sit assessments in Maths and English (no preparation required), have an interview with the Head of Pre-Prep and Prep and take part in lessons/workshops with their peers during the afternoon. 

Offers are made to those who demonstrate a good average or above ability level, have a positive interview and visit and receive a satisfactory reference from their current school. 

Register your daughter 

Year 7

Each year we welcome between 40 and 50 new students into Year 7 who join us from a wide range of local schools. All those who are registered are invited to attend a short interview with the Headmistress or a senior member of staff in November (prior to the year of entry) and our Entrance Assessments Morning in January (in the year of entry). Entrance Assessments are in Maths and English (comprehension and creative writing) and no preparation is required. Offers are made to those who demonstrate a good average or above ability, have a successful interview and receive a supportive reference from their current school. Year 7 entry is always oversubscribed and offers are made in order of registration date, so early registration is advised

Offers are made by the end of the February half term and the acceptance deadline is always the first working day in March.

Year 8, Year 9 and Year 10

Girls are considered for entry to these year groups in order of registration date as and when places are available. Applicants are invited to spend a day at Pipers, during which they sit assessment papers in English and Mathematics and have an interview with the appropriate Head of Year or Senior Leader. They also attend lessons with their relevant peer group, during which staff assess general ability, engagement and social skills.

Offers are made to those who demonstrate a good average or above ability in their assessments, have a successful interview and positive visit and receive a supportive reference from their current school.

In Years 8-10 where, in addition to core subjects, there are also choices to make regarding the optional subjects available, the school will make reasonable steps to try and accommodate a girl’s choice of subjects. However, the school reserves the right to refuse access to subjects when planned classes are full. 

Pipers Corner School also offers deferred Year 9 entry to girls who are currently educated in Prep Schools which go to Year 8. The admissions process is such that girls are assessed when they are in Year 6, alongside girls in the same year group looking for Year 7 entry (see above for the Year 7 entry process).

Register your daughter 

The Sixth Form is open to all students at Pipers as well as students who have attended other schools. Girls entering the Sixth Form need to have achieved at least five GCSEs at grades 9-4 (including Mathematics and English). It is usually necessary to have a minimum of a Grade 6 in the subjects a student is hoping to study at A Level. 

Registrations for Sixth Form entry are encouraged at least one year before the desired entry point and our annual Sixth Form Information Evening (for both registered and non-registered students) takes place in early November in the year preceding entry. Applications for Sixth Form entry are accepted from November onwards but there is a fixed deadline in January for any student wishing to be considered for a Scholarship or Bursary.

Applicants are invited to attend an entrance interview with the Headmistress or the Head of Sixth Form as well as to attend any relevant Scholarship assessment sessions. Offers to join the Sixth Form at Pipers will be based on a successful entrance interview, predicted GCSE grades and a supportive reference from the student's current school.

A student who has qualified for entry to Year 12 will, in most cases, be able to study the subjects for which she is qualified, but this will be dependent on there being sufficient places in the classes provided for each subject.

Register your daughter 

Start Your Journey
Enter your child's date of birth to discover the key steps to joining us.
What is your child's date of birth?


If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch with us on 01494 719843 or send us an email at [email protected].

Entry to Pipers is subject to demonstrating a good-average ability level at assessment, having a positive interview and/or familiarisation visit and a supportive reference from the current school. Of those who meet this criteria, offers of places are made in order of registration date - so those who register earlier are more likely to secure an offer. 

We ask for a good-average ability level to ensure that each individual can keep up with the pace of learning here at Pipers, make the most of the opportunities available to them and reach their full potential. 

Unlike the Buckinghamshire 11+ system, which measures a very narrow range of skills or potential, our approach to admissions is far more holistic. As part of the process we also seek a reference from each applicants current school, and learn more about each student as an individual through either a familiarisation day or interview. We always give them the opportunity to tell us what they can do, rather than focusing on what they have not yet mastered.

Each entry point has a slightly different structure.  

Pre-Prep applicants carry out some simple tasks with a member of staff to assess their level of understanding in numeracy and literacy. 

Applicants for entry to Year 3 and above will always sit two assessments: one in English (including both creative writing and comprehension tasks) and one in Mathematics.  

The content of the assessments is based on what students are learning (or have learnt) in school – we do not test girls on verbal and non-verbal reasoning. Past papers aren’t available, and girls are not required to revise or have tutoring to sit the assessment. We don’t want this process to be stressful or cause anxiety and we try to make it as enjoyable as possible! 

Each applicant will have an interview with the appropriate Head of Year or a member of our Senior Leadership Team, to get to know them more as an individual. We will also ask for a reference from their current school and a copy of their latest school report. 

We have natural entry points to Pipers in Reception, Year 6, Year 7 and Year 12. At these points, we assess all those on our registration list and places are offered in order of registration date.  

For all other year groups, it is the norm that we hold waiting lists and only have a small number of places available each year.  

Please call and speak with one of our Admissions Team to find out whether there is a waiting list for the year group you are considering for your daughter.  

Yes – provided we have a space in the relevant Year group, girls are able to start at any point in the school year but the beginning of a school term is preferable.

We cover a wide catchment area and run 14 bus routes that are exclusively for Pipers students. The service is managed by Kura, a technology and transport services company. Almost 70% of students in Year 3 and above use the coach, from Year 3 upwards. 

See our School Transport page for more information.

We welcome applicants from families living abroad who are planning on moving to the UK for their daughter to join Pipers. We are not a boarding school and cannot welcome students who wish to study in the UK, using a sponsor family, whilst their parents stay abroad. 

Students can attend our supervised Breakfast Club from 0730 hours every day. 

For Pre-Prep (Reception – Year 2) there is a £3 daily charge, and breakfast is included. 

For Year 3 upwards, there is no daily charge, but girls can buy breakfast if required. 

After school, Pre-Prep girls can attend Crèche – this is not an extension of school, rather a time to play with peers. Year 3 upwards can attend After School Prep (ASP) until 1800 hours – girls can be collected anytime from the end of the day.

There is no additional charge for this. Please visit our Wraparound Care section.

Can you tell me about extra-curricular activities including trips and visits? 

We offer a wide range of extra-curricular activities through all years at Pipers – an example can be found here.

We offer a significant number of school trips each year. Students will go on curriculum trips or have the opportunity to go on other trips or study visits dependent on the options they have chosen. Some trips are open to all students. Many trips in the school holidays are optional. Every year group from Year 3 – Year 6 goes on a residential trip which is an opportunity to build independence and explore the world in which we live. 

Your fees include tuition, a daily hot meal, all classroom resources and textbooks as well as subject specific materials for subjects such as woodwork and food and nutrition. 

Additional charges, on top of your fees, include: 

  • Private music lessons 
  • School Coaches
  • School Trips and Visits 
  • Fees related to Public Examination entry 
  • Uniform 
  • Some art supplies for GCSE and A Level students 

Yes, a range of Scholarships and means-tested Bursaries are available for applicants looking for entry into Year 7 and Year 12. 

See our Scholarships and Bursaries page for more information

Applicants with mild specific learning difficulties are asked to provide evidence of any Educational Psychologist assessment, or similar report, prior to assessment. This evidence will be reviewed by our own in-house Education Psychologist to determine what access arrangements are required (in line with the Senior School JCQ guidance).

Head to our Individual Learning page to find out more about our provision here at Pipers Corner School