Easter Bonnets on Display | News | Pipers Corner School

Easter Bonnets on Display

Easter Bonnets on Display

The girls in Pre-Prep were resplendent today as they paraded their Easter Bonnets. The display coincided with the Department's raffle draw for three cuddly Easter bunnies.   

Through initiatives in all four classes, the girls had wanted to raise £120 to sponsor an orphan for a year at the chosen school charity, St Mark's School in Uganda; however through the Year 1 girls selling raffle tickets and two enterprising exercises by Rosie K who sold pop cakes and Grace C who made and sold soap, the class has managed to raise £235.55 by itself.

The other classes are all involved in money raising activities so the hope is that this figure will be much bigger quite soon and will be enough money to buy a tap for the school as they currently only have one. 

Mrs Ness-Gifford gave out the prizes to the raffle winners and said, "for the Pre-Prep girls to raise money for the children in Uganda and to then go on to build a relationship through letter writing is a wonderful way for them to gain a greater understanding of the world." 


Images show: all four classes with their Easter bonnets | the raffle draw winners with Mrs Ness-Gifford





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Easter Bonnets on Display