Climbing High! Pre-Prep Discovers the Work of a Tree Surgeon | News | Pipers Corner School

Climbing High! Pre-Prep Discovers the Work of a Tree Surgeon

Climbing High! Pre-Prep Discovers the Work of a Tree Surgeon
Pre-Prep Forest School

To help give our students an insight into different types of occupation, we invited the School Tree Surgeon Gary to speak to our students about his job doing major tree works.

After putting a bear called Sylvester up a tree for him to rescue in our Forest School area, Gary took the time to explain to our students about the different types of trees in the forest, even giving them the opportunity to learn the Latin names. In describing his use of rope, knots, helmets and ear defenders to keep himself safe in his job, Gary was also very impressed at the questions and tree knowledge our students had.

Once the ‘Save Sylvester’ mission took place with Gary climbing high into the trees, two students were tasked with taking the rope to lower the bear down, whilst another keen volunteer held her arms out to catch Sylvester as he came down.

Gary has allowed Sylvester to stay with us in Pre-Prep until half-term so the students can teach him to act a bit more safely in future, by not go climbing trees without telling anyone and not climbing too high. We are so grateful to Gary for giving us his time.

You can see photos from the afternoon in the Flickr album below.

Flickr album: Pre-Prep Visit from Tree Surgeon | Height: auto | Theme: Default | Skin: Default Skin


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Climbing High! Pre-Prep Discovers the Work of a Tree Surgeon