Pipers' Students Explore Nature's Winter in Forest School Adventures | News | Pipers Corner School

Pipers' Students Explore Nature's Winter in Forest School Adventures

Pipers' Students Explore Nature's Winter in Forest School Adventures
Forest School Academic

Despite it being ‘Spring Term’, the colder weather is very much settling in and Pipers’ students are fully embracing the outdoors in their Forest School sessions, turning chilly days in to opportunities for unique and exciting learning experiences. With a focus on connecting with nature and fostering creativity, the students are diving head-first into a range of activities that celebrate our crisp British winter.

The Forest School curriculum always adapts to the season, with a focus on child-led learning encouraging students to explore and move around as much as possible, as an example - Year 1 have been busy setting up a rope-pull to conquer a challenging icy bank, showcasing their teamwork and problem-solving skills.

For older year groups, activities have taken on a more hands-on approach. They've been engaged in practical tasks such as sawing wood and building fires to stay warm. Discussions about how to keep warm in cold weather, involving strategies like layered clothing and of course, copious amounts of hot chocolate, have become part of the learning experience – building their knowledge bank so they are prepared to be experienced adventurers whatever the weather.

This in turn leads to learning about animal habitats in winter and how the many animals that call our beautiful grounds home, are adapting to survive in the cold. Bird-feeders have been crafted with lard, seeds and fir cones to provide essential nourishment for our local birds and our Students particularly enjoyed playing a Squirrel game to learn how they forage and store food for the winter.

In recent weeks, the students have taken on the challenge of creating ice sun catchers. Bowls or cake molds filled with water, leaves, and other forest treasures are left out overnight to freeze. The resulting ice sun catchers are then hung in the sunshine, casting beautiful natural patterns as they slowly melt—a magical and artistic addition to the outdoor experience.

Though many of us may not be wishing for Snow, our Forest School leaders are! With it will bring the opportunity to follow animal tracks and have even more fun outside enjoying and embracing nature in Winter.

Flickr album: Winter Forest School Adventures | Height: auto | Theme: Default | Skin: Default Skin


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Pipers' Students Explore Nature's Winter in Forest School Adventures