Dancing at Lughnasa | News | Pipers Corner School

Dancing at Lughnasa

Dancing at Lughnasa
Events and Trips PPTA

This term saw AS Drama and Theatre Studies students perform their final examination piece to external examiner, family and friends.

For their AS practical examination the girls were tasked with performing an extract from a professionally published play by a known writer. Their chosen play was  “Dancing at Lughnasa” by Brian Friel a play set in Donegal, Ireland in 1936, which tells the story of a group of sisters, their brother and one son living in a cottage in a close rural community.

Through their performance the girls introduced each sister’s plight with the aim of conveying the sense of the frustration and despair contained within them, along with their bond and love for each other.

The girls spent their class and rehearsal time exploring techniques to portray each character and perfect their vocal qualities, especially the Irish accent.  The girls thoroughly researched their characters, in order to develop the character’s physical movements and facial expressions, which helped to depict the relationships between each sister.

The resulting performance was an exceptional piece of theatre which saw the girls perform with confidence. Despite the challenging narrative the audience immediately grasped the sense of place in the piece and found empathy with the characters.

Mrs Coe, Acting Director of Drama said, “I am very proud of the AS Drama girls.  They worked incredibly hard to achieve such an amazing performance.  The girls wanted to challenge themselves with a tough topic and I believe they handled the subject very well.”

For more photographs from the performance please take a look at the media gallery.


For more information contact:

Rebecca Conroy, Senior Marketing Executive, Pipers Corner School. Telephone 01494 719850 or email [email protected] | www.facebook.com/PipersCornerSchool | @PipersCornerSch

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