Thinking ahead | News | Pipers Corner School

Thinking ahead

Thinking ahead
Events and Trips

Last week Year 7 embraced their first week of careers education and on Friday the girls were asked to come into school dressed as the career they would like to pursue.  There was a fantastic range of careers including a surgeon, dentist, optician, photographer, architect, actor, journalist and many more.

At the start of the week the girls took part in a quiz to identify childhood photos from staff and they had to guess their future careers.  They easily identified Head of English Mr Gifford, but struggled with identifying the Headmistress and were surprised to hear that she had originally wanted to be a hotel manager when she was a child.

They then went onto explore their own early ideas for jobs and were asked to think back to when they were six years old and remember what they wanted to be.  There were a range of interesting careers ranging from vets to pop stars.  They then noted what they would like to do now as a career and discovered that the majority of the girls had changed their minds.  This highlighted that career aspirations do change over time and the key to any success in the future is to remain flexible in decision making.

Ms Cookson, Careers Co-ordinator said “It has been a great week for Year 7 learning about different careers and what is out there for them when they complete their education.  The girls will continue with careers sessions in Year 8 when we will explore decision making in more depth to help them consider their key GCSE choices.”


For more information contact:

Rebecca Conroy, Senior Marketing Executive, Pipers Corner School. Telephone 01494 719850 or email [email protected] | | @PipersCornerSch

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Thinking ahead