Quiz and Chips - What Next? | News | Pipers Corner School

Quiz and Chips - What Next?

Quiz and Chips - What Next?
Events PTA

Thank you to all those who supported the Quiz and Chips evening last Friday. It was the first social event at school for parents for several years, and the turnout was fantastic! The atmosphere was buzzing with laughter and conversation and the Sixth Form students really helped to make it a successful evening with their careful planning and presentation skills.

With over 100 parents, friends and staff participating in the quiz, a large number of families made use of the childcare provided by our Year 12s, who volunteered for the role as experience for possible teaching careers, which they are considering as an option when they are older. 

It was wonderful to see so many parents from year groups throughout the School come together to socialise and have fun. We are looking for parent volunteers for our flagship social event - The Summer Ball, the theme for which is 'A Night at the Casino'. If you are interested in volunteering your time or if you have suggestions for future social events and would like to be involved in future planning, please contact the Director of Marketing & Admissions, Mr Ranford: [email protected] 





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Quiz and Chips - What Next?