Pipers Careers Evening is Resounding Success | News | Pipers Corner School

Pipers Careers Evening is Resounding Success

Pipers Careers Evening is Resounding Success
Careers Development

On Wednesday evening we hosted our latest Careers Talk evening, exploring professional pathways to inspire students who enjoy studying English, History, Politics and Religious Studies. This included some wonderful parents and alumnae speakers representing Law, Advertising, Social Care Policy, Civil Service, Brand Identity and Academia, ably hosted by one of our Sixth Form prefects.

There was some great discussion and advice about the benefit of an inquisitive mind, ‘getting out there’ and talking to people and how entering the world of work can be a fun and stimulating experience where you can achieve things that you are really proud of.

The creative and adaptable nature of many of the subjects that were discussed highlighted the importance of interests outside of those that you study, which can ultimately help to signpost your overall career destination.

It was brilliant for our students to hear directly from professionals and gain insight and advice first hand, so thank you to our wonderful guest speakers for taking the time to inspire the next generation. We look forward to hosting our next Careers Talk evening soon. You can keep up-to-date with all of our Careers Education news here.

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Pipers Careers Evening is Resounding Success