Speech Day 2024 | News | Pipers Corner School

Speech Day 2024

Speech Day 2024
Whole School Events

Pipers’ Speech Day is always one of the most anticipated events of our School year – as we say farewell to the Upper Sixth, welcome new teachers who will be joining us in September, announce the in-coming Prefect Team and take time to recognise our Students achievements from Pre-Prep to Sixth Form, whilst reflecting on our School as a whole and the unique environment it offers girls to thrive in their passions and interests – whatever they may be.

This year of course was no different, despite the weather! We welcomed over 1,600 Students, Staff, Family and Friends to the marquee on the Main Lawn. Headmistress, Mrs Ness-Gifford, spoke about the ‘journey’ of a Pipers Student and our unique position as a School to offer opportunities for growth, independence, academic excellence and real-word achievements to children who are not defined by a number from a test. Pipers students are recognised for their unique attributes, resilience and potential when given the chance to shine. This is the true advantage of a Pipers education. Indeed, such achievements in independent learning and resilience were officially awarded.

We welcomed our guest speaker, Laura Tierny, CEO and Founder of The Social Institute, all the way from Michigan USA. You may recall that earlier this year Pipers became the first School in the UK to implement their award-winning Social Media education program “Win at Social”. Designed to empower students to navigate social media and technology in positive, “high-character” ways, by helping them recognise their own core values and learning how to hold true to them ‘online’. As Mrs Ness-Gifford succinctly put it “We have always believed in the importance of a childhood and learning how to drive your online journey, before you are at the wheel of that car”.

To finish, Head Girl Emma. H, had one final duty before handing her gown to her successor. In her speech: “Finding the Magic”, Emma shared how at Pipers, she was never made to feel less important than anyone else and was given the confidence to seize opportunities - something that we wish for all of our Students.

Our Student’s stories are theirs to write and theirs to achieve – Pipers simply gives them a safe, encouraging and aspirational environment within which to create a life they are truly proud of – and one which we hope they come back and tell us about, as many of our Alumnae so fondly do.

Thank you to everyone who came to share in this wonderful day.

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Speech Day 2024