Head Girl for the Day | News | Pipers Corner School

Head Girl for the Day

Head Girl for the Day
Pre-Prep and Prep Clubs & Activities

There was a change of personnel last week when Year 2 pupil Isabelle L took on the role of Head Girl for the Day. The opportunity came about as part of an auction lot from the PPTA Summer Ball in 2014.

Taking on the responsibilities of Head Girl Harriet D, Isabelle started her day with an assembly in Pre-Prep where she received her Head Girl gown, as worn by all the Senior Prefects. Her and her Deputies then had a tour round the school with Harriet and Deputy Head Girl Megan H. For lunch, they ate at a reserved table in the Dining Room, after which they visited “The Spinney” - where the Sixth Form prefects spend their time outside of lessons. To end the day the girls had tea and cakes with the Headmistress, something the Headmistress does on a regular basis with the Head Girl team.

Other privileges for Isabelle included, sitting in the Pre-Prep office for snack, blowing the whistle at the end of playtimes and directing the other girls to tidy up, checking girls’ work in Reception and Year 1 and awarding good work stickers, introducing assembly and choosing the hymn and, most importantly, at the end of the day pressing the green button to open the door and greet parents at pick up.

Isabelle thoroughly enjoyed her day and the opportunity to witness how the Senior School Prefects and the Head Girl team functions. She said, “I had a really great day. Getting to wear the gown and being able to go in “The Spinney” was exciting.”


For more information contact:

Rebecca Conroy, Senior Marketing Executive, Pipers Corner School. Telephone 01494 719850 or email rconroy@piperscorner.co.uk | www.facebook.com/PipersCornerSchool | @PipersCornerSch

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Head Girl for the Day