This month saw girls in Year 3, Year 4 and Year 5 perform their Summer Term Drama productions. It was a great opportunity for the girls to demonstrate everything they have been learning over the course of the academic year.
Year 3 were first with their performance of “Little Monsters”. This was the story of a good girl called Jenny, who accidentally broke her mother’s prized ornament and gets called a little monster and sent to the garden for punishment. In the garden Jenny discovers lots of other “little monsters”, “cheeky monkeys”, “terrible twos” and “fidgets”. The story is built around how one remark from an adult can spark a child’s imagination.
Year 4 performed “Harry Rings Lord of the Potters”, a lively comedy with well-known characters from both “Harry Potter” and “Lord of the Rings”. The piece saw Harry Rings and Mojo the hoblin unite against a common enemy to prevent him from gaining knowledge of the “goblet of youth”.
Year 5 gave a powerful performance of an abridged version of the Roald Dhal story and West End musical, “Matilda”. Matilda is a rebellious girl with special powers who spends most of her time reading books. Matilda fights against the cruelty of Headmistress, Miss Trunchbull and the injustices which her parents put on her.
Head of Prep Drama, Ms Bevan said, “I am very proud of all the girls. They have each worked very hard over this term to produce some fantastic work and it is wonderful to see how much they have grown in confidence throughout the year. The opportunity for the girls to perform the pieces to their parents has been a fantastic way to round off their year’s work in Drama.”
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For more information contact:
Rebecca Conroy, Senior Marketing Executive, Pipers Corner School. Telephone 01494 719850 or email rconroy@piperscorner.co.uk
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