Year 6 Summer Production Revealed! | News | Pipers Corner School

Year 6 Summer Production Revealed!

Year 6 Summer Production Revealed!

The secret is out! The Year 6 Drama production has been announced and we can happily reveal that they will be performing Shrek the Musical Jr at the end of June this year.

The students were treated to a fantastic launch in the Arts Centre Theatre where they enjoyed a countdown to the final reveal. You can see their response captured on video

We had a chance to catch up with Ms Bevan to find out why she chose Shrek the Musical Jr and learn more about the casting and rehearsal schedule that will be coming up over the next few months.

Why did you choose Shrek the Musical Jr?

I always choose the production based on the dynamic of the year group.  We historically have a large intake who join in Year 6 and I like to wait to see how the group mix before deciding which production I think will suit them. This cohort is FULL of energy, incredibly dynamic and with a great sense of humour, so I knew that Shrek the Musical Jr would be a fantastic fit for them.

Is it difficult casting these performances?

Part of the beauty of this production is that there are so many named parts! When we think of Shrek we can’t imagine it without the full ensemble of fairy-tale characters that work together to make it so outrageously funny!

When it comes to the actual task of casting, my students will know, that up until this point I pull names from a hat from all those who take interest in having a role in our performances.  For this summer production however, I do actively cast it based on several factors. It’s never simply about choosing the “best” performer – all of my students are wonderful in totally unique ways, it’s more about knowing which students will thrive given the opportunity, who will feel comfortable with learning lines, who likes to sing etc. Now that the production has been announced open auditions to the whole of Year 6 will begin in a few weeks’ time.

How will you emulate ‘Duloc’ on stage?

Shrek does need quite an imaginative set! We will hire in a professional set so that the production really looks the part – we are blessed with such wonderful facilities at Pipers so our productions always look jaw-dropping. That is due in no small part to the tech team led by Mr Hancock, who are all Senior Drama students! These productions usually always draw upon the talents of the whole school – we are very lucky to have our own Costume designer Mrs Hayter who will be creating the delightfully eclectic pieces for this production.

What is the rehearsal schedule like?

Fun! No really! It’s important to say that, because the students really do feel like a proper theatre company when they start rehearsals.  They have production t-shirts, official named scripts and take the ‘job’ seriously – it’s a wonderful bonding experience for the students. It’s hard to describe how special it feels. We only go off timetable for one week in June, prior to that usual Drama lessons aren’t interrupted – we have it down to a fine art!

When can we buy tickets?

Tickets will be on sale after the Easter break – we’ll send out a link to our box office nearer the time.

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Year 6 Summer Production Revealed!