Junior Boarders and a Cockatiel | News | Pipers Corner School

Junior Boarders and a Cockatiel

Junior Boarders and a Cockatiel

There is never a dull moment on the Pipers Campus!

On Monday evening, the Junior boarders rescued a cockatiel that they found wandering around the school grounds.

The cockatiel appeared to be slightly injured as it was not flying very well and was most likely to be a lost pet as it allowed the boarders to come very close and pick it up.

The bird has been nicknamed “Feisty” because as Amber and Abi tried to put it into the cardboard box it snapped at them several times.

Once safely in the box, the cockatiel enjoyed some fresh water and some pumpkin seeds provided by Head of Boarding, Ms Maassen.

The current plan is to see whether after a good night’s rest the bird can fly away on its own; otherwise, Mrs Martin-Löf has kindly offered to take the bird to Tiggywinkles Wildlife Hospital in Haddenham where “Feisty” can be properly cared for. 



Images show: Fiesty the Cockatiel


For more information contact:

Rebecca Conroy, Senior Marketing Executive, Pipers Corner School. Telephone 01494 719 850 or email [email protected]

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Junior Boarders and a Cockatiel