Year 5 Eco Workshop Day 2024 | News | Pipers Corner School

Year 5 Eco Workshop Day 2024

Year 5 Eco Workshop Day 2024
Environment Prep

We were thrilled this week to host Year 5 children from Hughenden Primary School and Widmer End School to our special Eco Day event, where each partaking student was involved in an exciting selection of workshops to help inform and educate about the environment.

With a carousel of several activities throughout the day, the students took part in four workshops, each with their own specialised theme. Workshop One (called The Future of Food) was set in the Greenhouse with Mrs Palmer-Jones, covering the importance of soil, how to make compost, why worms are good for the planet and how to make a wormery to take back to their school. Workshop Two: 'Engineers of the future' with Mrs Jafari, gave the students information about what current global issues are there and what machines could be created to fix them. Each student then took their time to try to build their own machine. The groups 'Stepped Into the Wild' for Workshop Three, where Miss Webb took them to our Wildflower Meadow to practice identification skills. In the final Workshop 'Voice of Change' (lead by Ms Bevan), the students put together a powerful message as groups to impact an audience, as well as motivate and encourage them to make a change.

We were so proud to be able to share our dedication to the environment with other schools and we hope the students left inspired.

You can see pictures from the workshop in the Flick album below.

Flickr album: Year 5 Eco Workshop 2024 | Height: auto | Theme: Default | Skin: Default Skin


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Year 5 Eco Workshop Day 2024