Pipers Corner School Embraces Woodland Trust's Free Trees Initiative | News | Pipers Corner School

Pipers Corner School Embraces Woodland Trust's Free Trees Initiative

Pipers Corner School Embraces Woodland Trust's Free Trees Initiative
Environment Whole School

The Woodland Trust recently launched its 'Free Trees for Schools and Communities' initiative, and we are thrilled to announce that Pipers Corner School successfully secured two sets of Working Wood trees, one set of Wild Wood, and one set of Copse, which our Environmentalist -in-Residence and Grounds team have said will work perfectly in our soil conditions.

Members of HOPE (Helping Others to Protect the Environment) and Years 7 and 8 have been planting each set (containing over 30 trees each) as part of their eco-carousel activities each week. Year 1 have also joined in the fun as part of their Forest School activities – providing a perfect learning opportunity as they discover the vital role that trees play in sustaining a healthy planet.

The UK needs 1.5 million hectares of additional woodland by 2050 to meet its carbon net-zero target. By participating in this initiative and eventually planting over 300 new trees in our grounds, the School is not only contributing to this significant national goal, but also fostering a sense of environmental stewardship and teamwork among our students.

Flickr album: Woodlands Trust Tree Planting Initiative | Height: auto | Theme: Default | Skin: Default Skin


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Pipers Corner School Embraces Woodland Trust's Free Trees Initiative