Year 12 Next Steps Day gives Students Valuable Skills for their Future Career Paths | News | Pipers Corner School

Year 12 Next Steps Day gives Students Valuable Skills for their Future Career Paths

Year 12 Next Steps Day gives Students Valuable Skills for their Future Career Paths
Enrichment Sixth Form

As part of their enrichment opportunities, our Year 12 students took part in a Next Steps Day, aimed to provide them with knowledge and essential skills to help them navigate their choices for the future.

As part of the insightful sessions on offer, the students heard from guest speakers including Samantha Parker (Cadent Gas Engineer), Yaeger Irwin (CEO of Bloom Project Management) and Beatrice Ronchetti (Marketing and Personal Branding Consultant). The students were then split into three groups for a carousel of workshops, where they learnt valuable information on Personal Presentation and Branding, utilising LinkedIn and took part in Mock Interview practice.

The jam-packed day concluded with a special presentation from RAF Careers, team building exercises on the lawn and a well-deserved ice cream reward.

This event serves as an essential and fun addition to help guide our students as they start turning their attention to life after A Levels.

You can see some pictures from the day in the Flickr album below.

Flickr album: Year 12 Next Steps Day 2024 | Height: auto | Theme: Default | Skin: Default Skin


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Year 12 Next Steps Day gives Students Valuable Skills for their Future Career Paths