Pipers Corner School Sixth Former Becomes Martial Arts Instructor | News | Pipers Corner School

Pipers Corner School Sixth Former Becomes Martial Arts Instructor

Pipers Corner School Sixth Former Becomes Martial Arts Instructor
Sixth Form

Alongside her studies and extra-curricular activities, we are so proud of Year 12 student Martha F, who after several years of practice and moving up in the ranks, has recently qualified to be a Senior Martial Arts instructor.

Specialising in the Progressive Martial Arts Initiative (shortened to Pro Mai) which modernises some elements of Taekwondo and self-defence, Martha began her training towards the end of the pandemic. She progressed through the various belts up to red belt, which she earned in January 2024.

During her red belt training, Martha attended optional instructor courses and led her first white belt training for a group of five on Monday 13 April. She ran through all their techniques with a focus on the grab and release and the clinch, as well as teaching a new student the hand techniques as it was her first week. She guided them through sparring (something Martha has been doing since she was a Junior Instructor), which meant they were fighting one-on-one with her, allowing for corrections to be given on their techniques in action up to their blue belt.

Martha intends to lead an assembly on Martial Arts in the Autumn Term alongside fellow practitioners in the School. A huge well done to her and we can’t wait to see her progress.

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Pipers Corner School Sixth Former Becomes Martial Arts Instructor