Year 12 Share Excellent Research Projects in EPQ Marketplace Event | News | Pipers Corner School

Year 12 Share Excellent Research Projects in EPQ Marketplace Event

Year 12 Share Excellent Research Projects in EPQ Marketplace Event
Enrichment Sixth Form

To highlight the great work put together by our Year 12 students, an EPQ (Extended Project Qualification) Marketplace event was held in the Sixth Form Centre to encourage students to discuss their chosen topic with the Pipers Community. 

Using their display boards extremely effectively, the students took the time to get creative with their layouts and communicate their chosen topic to students and staff. Topics were chosen within subjects they were passionate about, including Textiles, Literature, Politics and Science to research, present and discuss their ideas on censorship, K-pop, Equine welfare, AI, representation in Hollywood vs Bollywood, sign language, the Falklands war, influences on sporting performance and more.

To aid in their University applications and to gain further UCAS marks, the students only had a couple of months to complete their project, including choosing their topic and title, putting together activity logs and diaries to monitor their progress, put together conclusions on their time management on a weekly basis and finally complete a dissertation or an 'artefact' final creative piece (which they make from scratch). The timeframe was also an important factor they had to weigh up in order to complete their project.

Having an EPQ is valuable for students in a number of ways. Universities value an EPQ highly due to students learning how to plan, research and manage their time, as well as how to reference where they got their sources from and evaluate them. Students are also encouraged to draw their own conclusions based on existing research, or draw conclusions based on their own.

For some universities, having an EPQ can also lower the entry requirements for a course. As an example if a course requires AAB and a student has an A in their EPQ, then that lowers their entry requirements to ABB, which is highly sought after for students wishing to attend university.

We are incredibly proud of Year 12 for their dedication.  

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Year 12 Share Excellent Research Projects in EPQ Marketplace Event