Wellbeing During Study Leave | News | Pipers Corner School

Wellbeing During Study Leave

Wellbeing During Study Leave
Whole School Wellbeing

Taking care of oneself during times of stress is crucial and we take the responsibility of providing support and guidance to our students seriously. Within School, our Head of Wellbeing runs tailored workshops during exam periods to teach practical strategies that help manage stress and offer advice on how to look after physical and mental wellbeing while studying.

We understand that a young person's thoughts, feelings and emotions underpin their ability to learn and prosper - maintaining a positive mindset and focussing on personal growth and development can help students approach exams with a healthier perspective.

With the launch of The Social Institute framework earlier this year, Students have already been accessing live support lessons in the run up to their exams. To help you support them at home during study leave there are a range of resources on the Parent Portal, specifically those by Nicola Morgan.

Author of Blame My Brain, No Worries and Be Resilient, Nicola was a guest speaker at our most recent Parent Partnership evening where she shared her knowledge on teenager wellbeing and how parents can support them.

With mental health continuing to be a particular challenge for children and young people in the UK, Nicola's wide range of knowledge and understanding should prove to be really useful for parents and students alike during exam season.

Please visit the Parent Portal for more resources.


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Wellbeing During Study Leave