Year 5 Adventure Trip to the Peak District | News | Pipers Corner School

Year 5 Adventure Trip to the Peak District

Year 5 Adventure Trip to the Peak District
Prep Trips

Last week Year 5 enjoyed an adventure-filled trip to Bonsall Camp in the Peak District, a multi-purpose activity centre nestled in the picturesque countryside near Matlock Bath. The Students spent most of their time in the fresh air engaging in various adventurous activities catered to different interest and skill levels.

From abseiling at Black Rock, to hiking the Bleaklow ridge this residential was a super opportunity for each Student to reach beyond their comfort zone. The week culminated in a final rock climb and a canoeing session at Carsington Water and it was clear that they had all made huge strides in confidence and ability in just a short time.

You can see a selection of photos from their adventures below.

Flickr album: Year 5 Peak District Adventures | Height: auto | Theme: Default | Skin: Default Skin


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Year 5 Adventure Trip to the Peak District