Inspirational Women | News | Pipers Corner School

Inspirational Women

Inspirational Women
Sixth Form Events

Former Pipers Corner pupil Lorna Drew came to speak to the Sixth Form  recently as part of the Sixth Form “Inspirational Women” Lecture Series. 

Lorna is a hugely successful entrepreneur in maternity and pregnancy lingerie design and, despite her former educational challenges as a sufferer of dyslexia, her wise words reminded the girls to never give up. Whatever their interests or passions they should seize them and work hard to make the best out of every opportunity.

Lorna did not have a particular goal as she began her fashion degree at university; she simply knew she wanted to study for a subject she enjoyed.  Whilst at university Lorna took the initiative and entered university competitions to gain experience and increase her portfolio until she was winning the interests of established names, such as Ann Summers.  With this she was able to successfully go straight into work after leaving university.  One job led to another and eventually she came to discover a gap in the market, supportively adaptive yet bespoke maternity lingerie. 

Zakiya G, Upper Sixth said “I am sure I can speak on behalf of the entire Sixth Form in saying that Lorna’s talk was a great source of great inspiration. The whole of Pipers should be very proud of everything she has achieved since she left the school.”


Pictures show: Lorna Drew | Sixth Form 

For more information contact:

Rebecca Conroy, Senior Marketing Executive, Pipers Corner School. Telephone 01494 719850 or email [email protected] | | @PipersCornerSch

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