Works of Art | News | Pipers Corner School

Works of Art

Works of Art
Sixth Form Clubs & Activities

Since 1989, the Royal Academy of Arts Outreach Programme has travelled across the UK, giving day long creative drawing workshops to schools. Our Sixth Form Art students were delighted to welcome them to Pipers Corner this month.

With a life model at the centre of the day's activities, the programme provided the girls with a unique opportunity to explore a wide variety of approaches to drawing as a vehicle for developing their own creativity.

In the Art Studio, the girls set to work with charcoal and large pieces of paper and produced some impressive pieces of work using the model as inspiration.

Through the workshop the Sixth Formers were encouraged to explore the creative process and behaviours of a professional artist.

“Through this experience I think I have become more confident with working big and will take more risks with my art work in future.’’ Grace R (Lower Sixth)

“The day was really interesting and I have learnt a lot of skills which will help to improve my observational sketches.” Zarina Y (Lower Sixth)


For more information contact:

Rebecca Conroy, Senior Marketing Executive, Pipers Corner School. Telephone 01494 719850 or email [email protected] | | @PipersCornerSch

Pictures show: Sixth Form 

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