Making sense of senses | News | Pipers Corner School

Making sense of senses

Making sense of senses
Whole School Pre-Prep and Prep

In their Science lessons this week girls in Year 1 have been considering the human body and the senses we use in everyday life.

To start the girls were tasked with identifying, naming, drawing and labelling parts of the human body. They then identified which part of the body is associated with each sense.

Following this they conducted an activity to demonstrate how our senses work, focussing on our senses of smell and taste.

Firstly the girls wore blackout glasses to inhabit their sense of sight so that they had to use just their sense of smell to identify a number of foods including onions, lemons, bananas and oranges.

An exploration of the sense of taste was next as the girls each had to try four flavours of jelly and identify which flavour it was. For this experiment the jellies had all been dyed black so that there was no clue in the colour as to what flavour it was.

The tasks really demonstrated to the girls the importance of all our senses and how they work together and help us in our daily lives.

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Making sense of senses