Making the most of 'Lockdown' | News | Pipers Corner School

Making the most of 'Lockdown'

Making the most of 'Lockdown'
Whole School

As well as learning remotely, students have been busy making the most of their time at home during the covid-19 pandemic, learning new skills, raising money for charity and getting creative.

Year 8 student Isabella and her brother baked cookies and cakes to sell to their neighbours, raising £200 to go towards fundraising for the NHS. Their story reached the local press – read their story here.

Daisy H (Year 5) embarked on a one-minute Squat Challenge and Evie P (Year 5) completed a mile on the monkey bars (480 lengths in five days), raising more than £2,000.

In PE, the Year 8s completed a staggering 2,064km in one week by running, walking and/or cycling for the Endurance Challenge. Meanwhile the Year 7s took part in a Virtual Climb Challenge. Ava W completed 44085 steps, the equivalent of climbing Mount Kilimanjaro. Emma B and Chloe Mc both climbed Mont Blanc in France with 38,446 and 34,524 steps respectively. Staff and students alike have been trying out tennis star Andy Murray’s 100 volley challenge – visit the Pipers Corner Sport Twitter page for some videos!

There has been lots of creativity inside and outside the virtual classroom. Mrs Rees in the Prep Art Department was blown away by Year 4’s contribution to her class. Each participating through the Zoom classroom, they identified items around their home that were represented in the colours of the rainbow. These were captured and brought together in a creative way to form our own Year 4 virtual Rainbow collage. Hetty and Tilly O (in Years 8 and 6 respectively) have been upcycling a typically near-impossible product to recycle - Pringle tubes. They converted them into cotton pad dispensers and desk tidies. In Textiles, students have been participating in upcycled weaving, quilting and printing with objects found around the house and outside.

Ms Bevan’s Drama classes have been to the beach, dressed up as superheroes, creating ‘adverts’ and much more.  

As mentioned in our previous news story, students and staff have also been involved in making PPE for frontline NHS staff – read the story here.

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Making the most of 'Lockdown'