Bugsy Malone with a difference! | News | Pipers Corner School

Bugsy Malone with a difference!

Bugsy Malone with a difference!
Whole School

Covid-19 didn't stop our Year 6 students performing Bugsy Malone this term which was filmed and viewed online, rather than live on stage.

The Year 6 Bugsy Malone performances were very special indeed this year. Filming took place all over the school with an ambitious and innovative approach to this year’s production. The students were split into three 'bubbles' and each section filmed separately (see links below). In a time when theatres all over the world lie empty, it was inspiring to see what could be achieved in response to the many challenges we have faced. Breath-taking vocal displays and the strong stage presence of the members of each cast shone through.

The production was released on Sunday 12 July - which this year was known as Bugsy Malone Day.

Year 6 certainly succeeded in pulling off something very special for which they can be very proud. An incredibly uplifting and resilient end to an unprecedented term here at Pipers Corner.  

Bugsy Malone

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