New Eco Outdoor Classrooms | News | Pipers Corner School

New Eco Outdoor Classrooms

New Eco Outdoor Classrooms
Prep Pre-Prep

We have had two new eco outdoor classrooms installed, one near the Prep playground and the other in Pre-Prep.

The new outdoor octagonal classrooms have proved hugely popular, both as a teaching space and a play area. 

Each classroom has its own weather station, with a wind turbine and solar panel on the roof which can be switched on during lessons to show how energy can be generated. It is configured to show how electricity is generated and then how it is distributed into a building such as a house or office. This can be demonstrated by turning on the 12v LED light, which shows the the power being used. 

Each classroom also features a water butt, collecting rainwater from the roof which can be used for watering.

Pre-Prep have been using their classroom on a daily basis for assemblies, teaching and break time. During less favourable weather conditions, canvas sides with windows can be pulled down to keep wind and rain at bay. 

Pictured below: Pre-Prep in their new eco classroom

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New Eco Outdoor Classrooms