Honeybee mural taking shape | News | Pipers Corner School

Honeybee mural taking shape

Honeybee mural taking shape
Whole School Art

US mural artist Matt Willey has begun his first UK mural here at Pipers Corner.

It has been an exciting week watching our new honeybee mural taking shape, which will adorn the side of the Orchard Pool building. Matt travelled over from the US at the end of August, before quarantining for two weeks and then beginning his mural. He has completed a section of honeycomb and has started sketching a number of honeybees. Eventually, the mural will stretch the whole length of the swimming pool building. 

Matt founded 'The Good of the Hive' project, which involves him painting 50,000 bees around the world. His mission is to ignite radical curiosity for planetary health issues through art and storytelling. The bee and her hive are the artist’s symbols, but at the essence it is about activating and celebrating the power in human connection.

The students have been watching in awe while Matt has been painting the early stages of the project, including Head Girl Maddie I, who was instrumental in getting this project off the ground. Watch this space!

Honeybee Mural | Week 1

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Honeybee mural taking shape