Art and Conservation Come Together in Special Creative Workshop | News | Pipers Corner School

Art and Conservation Come Together in Special Creative Workshop

Art and Conservation Come Together in Special Creative Workshop
Art Senior School

This week our Senior School and Sixth Form were very proud to welcome Creative Conservationist Alicia Hayden, who delivered a two-day workshop on Wildlife Art and Artivism and donated a beautifully painted piece at artwork. This workshop was extra special, as we were delighted to welcome fellow Students from local Secondary school The Misbourne (Great Missenden) to enjoy the teaching and facilities in our Senior Art Studios.

After a fascinating introduction to her background and working life (including working for the BBC Natural History Unit in Children’s Development), Alicia began the first day of the workshop with a drawing worksheet, tasking selected Years 9-12 to warm up before moving on to canvas by practicing drawing animals. As they worked, they were encouraged to consider what techniques they used, what issues they are reflecting and much more. She later gave many more interesting details about Art and Activism (Artivism) and the connections it has with Science (Sciart).

On the second day, Alicia delivered the workshop again to Years 7 and 8, encouraging a whole new perspective from the younger years, making this fascinating learning opportunity available through the whole Senior School and Sixth Form.

We thank Alicia for her time with us at Pipers and we look forward to welcoming her again. You can see more about her life and work on her website here.

Pictures from the workshop can be seen in the Flickr Album below.

Flickr album: Senior and Sixth Form Artivism Workshop 2024 | Height: auto | Theme: Default | Skin: Default Skin


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Art and Conservation Come Together in Special Creative Workshop