Year 9 flag designs photographed in Antarctica | News | Pipers Corner School

Year 9 flag designs photographed in Antarctica

Year 9 flag designs photographed in Antarctica
Senior School Geography

As part of an annual event developed by the UK Polar Network, our Year 9 students designed inspirational flags with the theme 'in the interests of all mankind!' to be sent to Antarctica with a fantastic team of polar researchers for Antarctica Day.

Each year since 2010, Antarctica Day has been celebrated on 1 December to mark the signing of the Antarctic Treaty in 1959. 12 nations collectively signed the document, declaring that Antarctica would be a country that is off limits to military activity, making it a place for peace and scientific discoveries. As part of this, they developed the Antarctic Flag initiative, which allowed our students to have the opportunity to learn more about the frozen planet and find more information about the treaty.

In putting together their flags, the students were careful to consider colour schemes and designs, to make sure their artwork is visible from a distance in the photographs. As of December 2024, the Year 9 designs were proudly displayed by the Signy Team, alongside an adorable group of Adelie penguins.

Well done to each student who put together artwork for this wonderful initiative.

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Year 9 flag designs photographed in Antarctica