Exploring the past | News | Pipers Corner School

Exploring the past

Exploring the past
Senior School Academic

Earlier this year, Year 11 pupil, Kirsty J, began filming for a BBC Learning television series about life in post war Britain. The series entitled “Exploring the Past: Post War Britain” will be available to watch from Wednesday 11 December on the BBC website.

The focus of the film, is about how the NHS helped Kirsty’s Grandma when she contracted TB in 1951 (3 years after the NHS was established). After being diagnosed at a mobile x-ray unit, she had to go into a Tuberculosis sanatorium for six months whilst she was treated with the new drug, Streptomycin. Kirsty researched, and also learnt about, other areas of the NHS during the 1950s, such as dentistry, optometry and the training of medical staff.

Kirsty recorded the film with the BBC over two days. On day one in the morning they filmed Kirsty talking with her Grandma about her story. In the afternoon she interviewed three ex-nurses who were training/practising when the NHS was founded. On day two Kirsty went to the national dental museum and interviewed the curator.

Kirsty said “It was a brilliant experience and I really enjoyed the filming. Meeting lots of people and finding different things out about the history of the NHS was really interesting.. Although many people today moan about the NHS, from having this experience, I have learnt that we should be grateful for it. A lot of people endured huge suffering before the service was established and we are very lucky to have all the resources available to us now. ”


Photos: Kirsty J (Year 11)

For more information contact:

Rebecca Conroy, Senior Marketing Executive, Pipers Corner School. Telephone 01494 719850 or email [email protected]

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