Operations for Year 10 | News | Pipers Corner School

Operations for Year 10

Operations for Year 10
Senior School Academic

On Wednesday 8 January, students from the two Year 10 GCSE History classes visited the Old Operating Theatre in London.  Having studied the history of medicine and surgery, the brutal realities of a Victorian operating theatre were brought to life for the Year 10 girls. 

The Old Operating Theatre in London is home to one of the oldest operating theatres in Europe.  In the morning Year 10 took part in a workshop to find out about the procedures of a Victorian operation. With no anaesthetics, antiseptics or blood transfusions, speed was the key to success.  After the workshop the girls had a chance to explore the fascinating museum attached to the Old Operating Theatre, which houses many medical artefacts from the last 200 years.

Mrs Tinnelly, Head of History said “The Year 10 girls came away with a great sense of what the medical profession and care was like in the nineteenth century. We all left the trip feeling extremely grateful for the excellent level of medical care and public health that we enjoy today, Victorian Southwark certainly wasn’t somewhere we would have liked to experience ourselves.”


Pictures show: The Old Operating Theatre | Liberty S's operation

For more information contact:

Rebecca Conroy, Senior Marketing Executive, Pipers Corner School. Telephone 01494 719850 or email [email protected] | www.facebook.com/PipersCornerSchool | @PipersCornerSch

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Operations for Year 10