Magazine Editors meet Publisher | News | Pipers Corner School

Magazine Editors meet Publisher

Magazine Editors meet Publisher
Sixth Form Clubs & Activities

This year’s School Magazine Editorial Team had a productive working lunch last week with Mr Andrew Bennett, Senior Partner at Baines Design, the agency who will be designing the publication.

With a theme chosen and many articles already written, the girls enjoyed an hour of creativity and discussion about how they see the design of their magazine. They discussed content, page space and how they would like the front cover to appear. Lots of ideas were batted around and a concept was drawn up.

The girls were very excited by the opportunity to talk to Mr Bennett about their ideas and how they will appear in the magazine. The Magazine Club are working hard writing their articles and encouraging other Pipers girls to get involved this year. The magazine will be launched in the last few weeks of the summer term.


Photos show:

Sixth Form Magazine Editorial Team 

For more information contact:

Rebecca Conroy, Senior Marketing Executive, Pipers Corner School. Telephone 01494 719850 or email [email protected] | | @PipersCornerSch

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