A Level Drama Examinations | News | Pipers Corner School

A Level Drama Examinations

A Level Drama Examinations
Sixth Form Drama

Last week saw the culmination of two years of hard work for our A Level Drama and Theatre Studies students as they performed their examination pieces to an external examiner.

At A2 candidates have to devise a piece of original theatre in a chosen theatre style which must be clearly evidenced in the performance. Our two groups of four girls chose to perform some very different pieces of work. Group one chose a creative adaptation in an epic style whilst the second group chose political theatre with elements of verbatim.

Group one’s story was based on the children’s story of “Clever Polly and the Stupid Wolf” by Catherine Storr. With their target audience of young, vulnerable teenagers, their focus was on the importance of internet safety and social networking sites and the ease with which a predator (the Wolf, in the original story) can gain Polly’s trust.

Group two explored whether the Moors Murderer, Myra Hindley was born evil or whether her early life, before she met Ian Brady, had a significant impact on what she would go on to do. The group used quotation from Myra herself and also those who were connected to her, leaving the audience to make up their own minds at the end of the piece.

Miss Heather Andrew, Head of Drama said, “It has been thrilling to work alongside my A2 Drama students this year. Their creative ideas have been outstanding, and they have explored well beyond their comfort zone and previous performance styles.  Their pieces of original theatre are very impressive in content and structure, and each group has considered the intended audience impact. I commend them on their ability to work as a very strong ensemble of actors and a designer.”


Photos show: 

Group 1 | Group 2

For more information contact:

Rebecca Conroy, Senior Marketing Executive, Pipers Corner School. Telephone 01494 719850 or email [email protected] | www.facebook.com/PipersCornerSchool | @PipersCornerSch

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