Green Creatives | News | Pipers Corner School

Green Creatives

Green Creatives
Pre-Prep and Prep

On Tuesday girls in the Prep Department took part in a special day of art themed activities. The day formed part of the Department’s Environment Week and all activities were centred on aspects of “Green” and environmental issues. Each class had the opportunity to take part in a variety of workshops where they used a range of artistic techniques including printing, paper making, etching and collaging to create amazing pieces of art.

Year 3 created leaf bowls using leaves gathered from the school grounds. The girls used a plastic bowl as a mould then employed collage techniques to create the leaf bowl by layering the different leaves with tissue paper. They also created Egyptian inspired scarab beetles using scrap and recycled materials such as newspaper.

In the Prep classrooms Year 4 were hard at work using recycled plastic bags and other materials to create Van Gogh inspired collages. They also made characters from plastic bottles and mosaics from more recycled materials.

Year 5 had the chance to go to the Senior Art room and have a go at creating their own paper. Using recycled paper as a base, the girls liquidised it and immersed it in water. Then, using a frame with a screen, the girls scooped up the water leaving paper sediment on the screen which then was decorated with glitter, seeds, dried petals and herbs. The paper was then left to dry to use later.

In the Sculpture Studio Year 6 created Mandalas, influenced by Virginia Fleck, using plastic bags. When they were finished the girls hung them in the window and they looked very beautiful with the sun shining through. Other uses they found for the recycled plastic bags were making lanterns and Victorian Samplers.

Head of Prep, Mr Leith, said “The girls have all thoroughly enjoyed the experience of this dedicated art day. It is wonderful to see them really enjoying the opportunity to learn new artistic techniques and be creative. They have all produced some really impressive and beautiful pieces of work.”


Photos show:

Year 3 | Year 4 | Year 5 | Year 6 

For more information contact:

Rebecca Conroy, Senior Marketing Executive, Pipers Corner School. Telephone 01494 719850 or email [email protected] | | @PipersCornerSch

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