Food Revolution | News | Pipers Corner School

Food Revolution

Food Revolution
Pre-Prep and Prep

Inspired by Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution Day, girls in the Pre-Prep Department at Pipers Corner School have been learning all about about healthy eating and being active.  The aim of the Food Revolution Campaign is to see compulsory practical food education included in the national school curriculum.

The girls spent time during the week learning about the different types of food that is needed to keep healthy.  The Reception class created a giant plate indicating the types of food they should be eating each meal.  In Year 1 the girls made posters outlining the simple choices in being healthy such as eating the right types of food, the importance of fruit and vegetables and getting enough exercise and sleep.  Year 2 girls wrote a healthy eating song to help them remember what they should and should not be eating in order to stay healthy.

The week culminated in a special assembly, run by Year 1, about the benefits of healthy eating.  They also watched a slideshow of all their hard work.  Then came a surprise – a special message from Jamie Oliver himself, thanking the girls for all their hard work on promoting healthy eating.  The girls were all very excited to receive such a special mention.

Head of Pre-Prep, Mrs Rushforth said “It was a fantastic week getting the girls involved in thinking about what they need to eat and do to stay healthy.  Receiving a special message from Jamie Oliver was a fantastic surprise for them and was a great way to acknowledge their hard work on this topic.”


For more information contact:

Rebecca Conroy, Senior Marketing Executive, Pipers Corner School. Telephone 01494 719850 or email | | @PipersCornerSch

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