A lesson in Tudor medicine | News | Pipers Corner School

A lesson in Tudor medicine

A lesson in Tudor medicine
Senior School Pre-Prep and Prep

Girls in Year 8 relished the opportunity to learn more about Tudor medicine on Monday when they took part in a workshop about the life and work of a Tudor Barber Surgeon.

The workshop covered all aspects of early medicine and also included the developments of treatments and technology in the early Renaissance period. Girls learnt that as towns became more populated, more trade shops opened and with more discoveries and advances in medicine around the world, people sought out different styles and treatments to relieve them from pain.

The Barber Surgeon showed examples of the different medicines and items used for medical treatment,  including a snake skin, dentist tools and surgical tools such as knives and scissors that would have been used to remove lead bullets and arrows from soldiers in battle.

Mrs Tinnelly, Head of History said “This workshop is a great way for the girls to gain an understanding of the different types of medical instruments and treatments used in the Tudor period. It is a fun and interesting way to bring History to life in the classroom. ” 

You can view more photos on the Pipers Flickr pages.


For more information contact:

Rebecca Conroy, Senior Marketing Executive, Pipers Corner School. Telephone 01494 719850 or email [email protected] | www.facebook.com/PipersCornerSchool | @PipersCornerSch

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