Dressed for success | News | Pipers Corner School

Dressed for success

Dressed for success
Senior School Enrichment

Year 7 were looking to the future on Friday when they came to school dressed as the career they would like to pursue in the future.  There was a fantastic range of career choices on show including: surgeon, dancer, artist, barrister and many more. 

At the start of the week the girls took part in a quiz to identify staff from their childhood photographs and guess what jobs they had wanted to do when they were young. The girls were then asked to try and remember what they had wanted to be when they were little – a whole selection of interesting careers were mentioned from make-up artist to vet and astronaut. When they compared their memories to what they thought they wanted to do in the future now, for many of the girls it was something completely different. This fact highlighted to them that career aspirations do change over time and that the key to any success in the future is to remain flexible in decision making.

This week’s activities served as great enrichment to the ongoing “Enterprise Eagles” project that Year 7 have been involved in throughout the course of the academic year. Through the project the girls have learnt about the importance of soft skills and striking a balance between academic study and developing personal skills which will help with career opportunities in the future.

Ms Cookson, Careers Co-ordinator said “It has been a great week for Year 7 and they have all really enjoyed exploring the many different career paths and opportunities that will be open to them in the future. As part of their careers education at Pipers they will continue to expand their knowledge through their Year 8 careers sessions in order to help them make key decisions when choosing their GCSE subjects.”


For more information contact:

Rebecca Conroy, Senior Marketing Executive, Pipers Corner School. Telephone 01494 719850 or email [email protected] | www.facebook.com/PipersCornerSchool | @PipersCornerSch

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Dressed for success