Good of the Hive features in Reuters | News | Pipers Corner School

Good of the Hive features in Reuters

Good of the Hive features in Reuters
Art Whole School

US artist Matt Willey, who painted a mural here at Pipers features in Reuters article.

The Good of the Hive project has featured in an article by Reuters, including a mention of the honey bee mural at Pipers Corner.

Having been first contacted by our current Head Girl, Maddie I two years ago, who was carrying out research for her GCSE art project at the time, Matt landed in the UK in September 2020 to begin his mural. It took him five weeks to complete and, in that time, he became a big part of school life - speaking to our students across the school, visiting art classes and igniting curiosity about his project. 

Reuters has published a video interviewing Matt about what inspired him to begin his Good of the Hive project. He is on a personal mission to hand paint 50,000 honey bees around the globe and his first international mural was here at Pipers. 


Finished Mural

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Good of the Hive features in Reuters