Prepare for Launch | News | Pipers Corner School

Prepare for Launch

Prepare for Launch
Senior School Clubs & Activities

On Friday 13 September, the girls in Year 8 enjoyed an independent learning day, which had the theme of “Space”.  The day was designed to encourage girls to work on those skills associated with independent learning; time management and organisation, leadership skills, presentation skills and working out for themselves the best way to solve problems.


The girls were split into groups and were given different tasks to complete.  Teachers were on hand throughout the day to answer any questions but the girls had to go away and work with their teams to complete their assignments and learn how to work independently.

Tasks included making rockets, creating space outfits, producing dances or performances to help remember information, creating news reports, designing board games and much more.  One focus of the day was a consideration of presentation skills and time management – something that proved invaluable towards the end of the day when some girls made presentations about what they found out during their tasks.


English Teacher, Ms Bell, said “My favourite part of the day was listening to groups of students solving their own problems without seeking assistance from a teacher, using really amazing strategies to take responsibility for their own learning, which was what the day was all about.  Year 8 were incredibly focused and produced work of real quality in an incredibly short amount of time.  And even though it was a one day project, all these skills are followed up every day in school.  Well done, everybody.”

To view more photos from Space Day take a look at our Media Gallery.

Pictures show: Group of Year 8 girls | Creating space suits | Waiting to see if the egg will break from a parachute | Watching the rocket launch

For more information contact:

Rebecca Conroy, Senior Marketing Executive, Pipers Corner School. Telephone 01494 719850 or email [email protected]

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Prepare for Launch