Being the Best | News | Pipers Corner School

Being the Best

Being the Best
Sixth Form Clubs & Activities

Lower Sixth girls were put through their paces by the Army last Friday during a Personal Development Training session. They took part in a range of outdoor activities designed to test their leadership, communication and teamwork skills. The girls had to think on their feet and put their decision-making skills into practice in order to succeed as a team. Despite the cold, they participated all morning with enthusiasm, and at the end of the session many of the group were surprised by just how much they had achieved.

The activities using equipment to simulate situations, for example one task involved the girls “being on a raft in the middle of the river”. The girls had to work together to decide how to get from A-B and how get their team to safety from the imaginary sharks. Another activity was the removal of a “land mine” from a circle of cones to a safe location without touching it and only using two long ropes.

Ms Cookson, Careers Co-ordinator said “This was a fantastic experience for the Lower Sixth. They all showed great team work and leaderships skills throughout the morning and afterwards many of the girls thought that their communication skills and assertiveness in group situations had really improved. It is always great to see how they co-operate and achieve in live workshops like this and the girls never fail to impress me.”


For more information contact:

Rebecca Conroy, Senior Marketing Executive, Pipers Corner School. Telephone 01494 719850 or email [email protected] | | @PipersCornerSch

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