Exploring rivers | News | Pipers Corner School

Exploring rivers

Exploring rivers
Senior School Events and Trips

This term a group of excited Year 7 girls visited the River and Rowing Museum in Henley for a day of geographical experiment’s and river exploration.

The girls participated in three different workshops throughout the day, which tested their knowledge of a range of techniques they have recently learnt in class. The first workshop required the girls to set up experiments and use their physical geography skills to find out how rivers erode, transport and deposit their material. The girls had to investigate why a river floods by examining the impacts of permeable and non-permeable surfaces.

In the second session the group went on a “river walk” along the Thames. They were able to see how the area is impacted by river flooding and how the area protects itself. Year 7 practised their skills by completing field sketches of the area to use back in the classroom when they discuss the impact of flooding.

In the final session each of the girls took on the role of a character, such as Local Resident, River Thames Management Officer and Wildlife Trust Officer. They then had to use the museums exhibits to find out how each of them would be affected by the river.

Geography teacher, Miss Clifford, said “The trip was very successful and a fantastic learning experience for the girls. They all gained lots of valuable new knowledge about rivers and floods to support the work we are doing in school on the topic.” 


For more information contact:

Rebecca Conroy, Senior Marketing Executive, Pipers Corner School. Telephone 01494 719850 or email [email protected] | www.facebook.com/PipersCornerSchool | @PipersCornerSch 

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