Aiming high in STEM | News | Pipers Corner School

Aiming high in STEM

Aiming high in STEM
Whole School Pre-Prep and Prep

Pipers Corner fully embraced National Careers Week last week, with a particular emphasis on careers within Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).

Girls in the Senior School had the opportunity to attend various talks throughout the week from inspirational women currently working in STEM related jobs.  These included, Mrs Somari Biehler, Optometrist, Dr Katie Haywood, scientist at ViiV Healthcare, Ruth Downey-Smith a helicopter pilot, Dr Elena Smith a Clinical Leader at Johnson & Johnson and Dr Siobhan Denis, Head of Imaging Operations at GE Healthcare.  They all shared the story of their career paths with the girls and spoke about what was brilliant about their respective professions.

On Friday the school celebrated the start of British Science Week with STEM Day, where all girls in the Senior School took part in STEM related workshops throughout the day. 

The workshops included:


Using the programming language Scratch, girls in Year 9 -11 worked in groups and learnt how to program, and understand the functionality of a robot.  At the end of the activity the robots were entered into a race which tested speed, direction and accurate manoeuvring of the machines.  The groups remained focussed throughout the tasks, thinking creatively, working collaboratively, and reasoning systematically to succeed.

Spaghetti towers

Girls in Year 10 - 11 were asked to construct a tower using only long spaghetti and marshmallows.  After planning the structure the groups then tested how strong they were using masses.  The groups who made the tallest and strongest towers were crowned the winners.  All the girls thoroughly enjoyed the activity which required them to demonstrate inventive planning, innovate design and co-operative teamwork to succeed.

Crafty Rafts

Year 7 were challenged to build a raft that could carry masses without sinking - the raft that could hold the largest mass without sinking would be the winner.  Working in groups the girls were provided with various resources to make their raft including items such as lolly sticks, plastic cups, paper and Sellotape.  They were given 30 minutes to build their rafts, before launching them to test their buoyancy.  The girls had to work effectively as a team and demonstrate excellent negotiation skills to be successful.

Cell Models

A member of the GE Healthcare team delivered an excellent introduction about the biology of cells.  Year 8 girls then participated in a mix and match jigsaw task, labelling components of a cell.  The girls were then tasked to choose a specialised cell and make a 3D model of it using craft supplies provided.  They then had to prepare and deliver a one minute presentation about their chosen cell.  This activity reinforced the girls’ understanding of biology and extended their knowledge of cell structure.

For more photos from the day, take a look at the Pipers Flickr account.


For more information contact:

Rebecca Conroy, Senior Marketing Executive, Pipers Corner School. Telephone 01494 719850 or email [email protected]

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